One of the aspects of my job that I love the most is the chance to mentor International Students. I currently mentor a student from Japan.
Over the past summer, I became the "American Mom" to two young women from Turkey (yes, I also taught them to speak some Spanish!).
I look forward to hearing from these Turkish students, who have returned home to further their university studies. Both are Mechanical Engineering majors. Although Turkey is not currently at war, Syria is its neighbor and the political situation there is volatile. Bloodshed has already spilled over the border.
You might enjoy learning the place names of other countries as they are expressed in Spanish. You will find a nice list below of country names along with the word used to express nationality.
Use the Spanish verb
ser to express origen.
I am from Spain.
Soy de España.
I am Spanish.
Soy espñola.
Ceren (pronounced like the English "Jedda") is from Turkey.
Ceren es de Turquía.
She is Turkish.
Es turca.
Country País Nacionalidad
Afghanistan Afganistán afganos
Africa Africa africanos
Albania Albania albaneses
Algeria Argelia argelinos
America América americanos
Andorra Andorra andorranos
Anguilla Anguila anguilenses
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua y Barbuda antiguanos
Argentina Argentina argentinos
Aruba Aruba arubeños
Asia Asia asiáticos
Australia Australia australianos
Austria Austria austriacos, austríacos
(The) Bahamas (las) Bahamas bahameños
Bangladesh Bangladés/Bangladesh bangladesíes
Barbados Barbados barbadenses
Barbuda Barbuda barbudeses
Belgium Bélgica belgas
Belize Belice beliceños
Benin Benín beninenses
Bolivia Bolivia bolivianos
Bolivia Bolivia bolivianos
Bonaire Bonaire bonairenses
Botswana Botswana botswaneses
Brazil Brasil brasileños
British Virgin Islands Islas Vírgenes Británicas virginenses británicos
Bulgaria Bulgaria búlgaros
Burma Birmania birmanos
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso burkinabés
Cameroun Camerún camaruneses
Cambodia Camboya camboyanos
Canada Canadá canadienses